

Barb Laudolff

Classical Homeopath

“My love for homeopathy began 8 years ago when I was facing some personal health challenges and the conventional medical system had no answers for me…

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a medical paradigm that assists the body's innate healing ability in a gentle, effective way that doesn't cause suppression. The body is never stagnant, because of that we are always needing to be proactive in our health by eating well, exercising, having adequate rest and being in loving relationships. But there are life experiences that inhibit even good lifestyle habits from producing optimal health,


  • If your seeking help for a chronic ailment, one that you suffer from on a regular basis, the initial appointment is two hours and we go over all your previous health history as well as your current state of health. Since homeopathy is so individualized, the two hour intake will allow time to get to know you and how the illness is expressing and affecting your day to day life experiences such as your sleep, work and relationships. From there a remedy is chosen to address the totality of your symptoms and begin to restore balance.

  • After the initial constitutional intake, a one hour follow up session is scheduled approximately 4-6 weeks later. Here we discuss how you are responding to the remedy and decide on further treatment. Depending upon how long you have been suffering from your current condition will determine the length of time the remedy will need to be taken. A good rule of thumb is for every year you have suffered from a chronic condition, it will take 1 or 2 months of treatment to bring healing. That is only an estimate and everyone heals differently, but it gives you a clearer understanding of how long treatment can last. With that being said, our life situations and environment is always changing and we are never in a state of complete health. Just like we must always exercise and eat healthy, the same can be said for homeopathic care, it is a tool to keep us in balance, to strengthen our immune system on a regular basis. As one strengthens their vitality, the sessions can be spread out over time so you are not in need of treatment as much.

  • An acute intake will address those issues that come on suddenly, such as occasional colds and flu, as well as first aid emergencies such as cuts, ligament tears or broken bones. An acute consultation will usually take 30 minutes and can be done via zoom or over the phone.