What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a medical paradigm that assists the body's innate healing ability in a gentle, effective way that doesn't cause suppression. The body is never stagnant, we are always needing to be proactive in our health by eating well, exercising, having adequate rest and being in loving relationships. But there are life experiences that inhibit even good lifestyle habits from producing optimal health, causing the body to become stuck or out of homeostasis. Homeopathy is there to assist in those changes through the proper remedy and dose that is similarly matched to the symptoms that our body is expressing, because symptoms are our body's way of telling us what it needs.

Homeopathy doesn’t cause exasperating side effects or create new pathologies. On the contrary, it has a way of uprooting illnesses that have been buried for years due to trauma and/or suppression. For we all know that our bodies have the innate ability to heal themselves. What homeopathy does is graciously nudge or assist the body when it is lacking in vitality and strength.

What are Remedies Made From?

Homeopathic remedies are made from plants, animals, elements from the periodic table. What makes them safe and effective is how they are prepared. The remedies go through a process of dilution and succussion, with the end result being the blueprint or energy of the original substance. This energy is able to speak to the energy in our bodies which encompasses our vital force, or immune system, to invoke healing to begin. It is always our bodies that are doing the work of healing, the remedy simply sends the signal to assist in the healing process.

Who can benefit from Homeopathy?

Everyone! Whether you suffer from a chronic condition such as headaches, chronic fatigue, anxiety, or asthma, or if you simply want help with acute conditions such as colds, flu, UTI’s or first aid, homeopathy can help.

Nearly every pathology can be addressed because we are not healing a disease, we are restoring balance to the individual so the body can restore health. It is safe for all ages, including babies and pregnant or nursing women.